Pedicure and a polish review! :)


I said I'd be back in a few minutes. :D
There are 3 pictures in this post, maybe you already know I'm not crazy about feet either.
But, oh well. I still haven't hauled this polish, that will be up in a day or two. ^^
It's super weird but, I'm in love with a matte nail polish. Woot? YES! It's true!
Are you guessing why am I in love with it?
If you're thinking 'It must have a ton of shimmer in it' you're right! :D

A nu rekla san da ću se vratit za par minuta. :D
Imaju svega 3 slike u ovon postu, možda već znate da ni ja nisan luda za stopalima.
Ali, ok. Još nisan haulala ovaj lak, bude to za dan dva. ^^
Super čudno ali, zaljubila san se u matte lak. ŠTA? DA! Točno to!
Jel Vam pada na pamet zašto san se zaljubila u njega?
Ako mislite 'Sigurno ima tonu shimmera u sebi' onda ste pogodili! :D

Even I am creeped out by feet so if you're cringing I totally get you.
But, I've warned you I'll post a pedicure, so it's your fault.

Čak ni ja ne volin stopala pa ako Vam se ovo ne sviđa shvaćam Vas u potpunosti.
Ali, upozorila san Vas da ću postat pedikuru, Vi ste si sami krivi.

Now, for the rave! Lemme present you one of my new babies.
This baby is a onecoater, ton of silver shimmer in it, dries fast, I believe it's a chocolate brown color, but
in the bottle it looks like a light brown color, I think because of the shimmer and this matte bottle.
For my toes I like classic colors. Nudes, reds or a french manicure.
They need to be clean, neat and have an color appropriate for every combination and situation.
I don't like matte nails, but I think I'm loving matte toes.
Even though I won't promise you I won't have crazy color pedicures this year! :D

Sad, malo rejvanja! (Bolje rejvanje nego revanje. OMB LOL)
Da Vam pokažen jednu od mojih novih beba.
Ova beba je 1slojaš, tona srebrenog shimmera u njemu, brzo se suši, mislin da je čokoladno smeđa boja,
ali u bočici izgleda svijetlo smeđe, pretpostavljan zbog shimmera i ove matte bočice.
Ta nožne prste volim klasične boje. Golaće, crvene ili francusku manikuru.
Tribaju biti čisti, uredni i imat boju prigodnu za svaku kombinaciju i situaciju.
Ne volin matte nokte, ali čini mi se da obožavan matte nožne prste.
Iako Vam neću obećati da neću imati pedikure ludih boja ove godine! :D

I think this is all for today. :D
I hope you guys enjoyed this, thank you for your time!
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Take care and relax, until next post, byeeeeeeee! xoxoxo

Mislin da je ovo sve za danas. :D
Nadam se da ste uživali, hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu!
Ako imate nekih pitanja, molim Vas, slobodno pitajte.
Pazite se i opustite, do sljedećeg posta, pozdraaaaaav! xoxoxo

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