The luck I've got..........


Hey friends! / Pozdrav prijatelji!

I came back home last night, everything is fine, I'm free until 31st of may, but I don't know when
will I go back, probably sooner then that.

Došla san kući sinoć, sve je uredu, slobodna sam do 31.-og, ali neznam kad ću se vraćat,
vjerojatno prije.

I mentioned I won an essence giveaway, and this post is about it. Can you tell that I'm not
that excited? Well yeah.......

Spomenila san da san dobila darivanje od essencea, ovaj post je o tome. Jel se primjeti
da i nisan baš uzbuđena? E pa da.......

I won the giveaway on the 14th of April, and it arrived in a 3 week period, so that was
pretty quick. I wasn't home, my sister called me and just said it arrived. I asked her did
she open it, she said she did. I was pissed even then. You know, I love essence, I said it
a million times, it's my favorite brand, and I wanted that WOW factor when I opened it.

Dobila sam darivanje 14.og travnja, paket je došao u roku od 3 tjedna, pa to je bilo prilično
brzo. Nisam bila kod kuće, sestra me nazvala i rekla mi da je stigao. Upitah je jeli ga otvarala,
rekla je da je. Ja popizdila već tu. Znate, volim essence, rekla sam to milion puta, 
to mi je najdraža marka, i tila san onaj WOW faktor kad otvaran paket.

Instead of the WOW factor I got the WTF factor. I'll just say it.
A blush broke, I guess blushes and I just don't go together, and a........ wait for it........
a nail polish broke. When I saw that a little part of me died.
I don't care that all of the other things, beautiful things I got were covered in polish,
I'll clean that up, but... BUT WHY?! Why did the polish break? That's my luck,
I mean the lack of it.

Umisto WOW faktora san dobila K faktor. Evo reć ću Van.
Rumenilo se razbilo, mislin da rumenila i ja jednostavno ne iđemo zajedno, i...... čekajte.....
lak za nokte se razbio. E to kad san vidila mali dio mene je umro.
Ne zanima me što su sve druge stvari, prekrasne stvari što san dobila pokrivene lakon,
to ću počistiti, ali........ ALI ZAŠTO?! Zašto se baš lak razbio? E to Van je moja srića,
odnosno nedostatak nje.

The package. :) I just covered up my name and address. / Paketić. :) Samo san pokrila moje ime i adresu.

I got a letter inside congratulating me, the products were loose in a bubble wrap.

Unutra san dobila pismo di mi čestitaju, proizvodi su bili u ovome bubble wrapu, nisu bili posebno 

essence Cookies & Cream lip gloss 02 BE MY COOKIE MONSTER

Sweet Jesus. OMG. I dislike lip glosses, you should know by now that I prefer lip butters, lip balms
and that kind of stuff, but holy crap. This baby smells like heaven on Earth, it's smooth and, I'm not
that into make up, but I think this would be an awesome topper for a nude lip. It has a nice
sheen and some shimmer in it. I hope this doesn't draw me into getting crazy over lip products, but I
won't make promises I maybe break. ;)

O MOJ BOŽE. Ne volin sjajila za usne, tribali bi već znat da preferiran labela i takve stvari, ali
jebe*u. Ova bebiba miriše ko raj na Zemlji, lipo klizi i, ja nisan toliko u šminci, ali mislin da bi
ovo bilo odlično za dat malo sjaja na 'nude lip' look. Lipo se sjaji i ima nešto shimmera u njemu. 
Nadan se da me neće povuć u ludilo za proizvodima za usne, ali neću ništa obećavat. ;)

essence Cookies & Cream jumbo eye pencil 02 YUMMY, YUMMY!

A pretty gray color. I wanted a milky white one, but I love grays too.
I think, I KNOW I'll use this baby up. I love it!

Lipa siva boja. Tila san mliječno bijelu, ali volin i sive.
Mislin, ZNAN da ću ovu bebicu potrošit. OBOŽAVAN!

essence Cookies & Cream shimmer pearls 01 ONE SWEET DAY

I don't know how I'll use this, but I love it and I want more of these pearls, I don't know why.

Neznan kako ću ovo iskoristiti, ali volin ih i želin još ovi perla, neznan zašto.

essence Cookies & Cream eye shadow  03 LAST NIGHT A COOKIE SAVED MY LIFE

I am in love. It's a bronze brown color, very soft, very smooth. It's swatched on my hand here,
I believe I'll use this color for my crease. Need more.

Zaljubila san se. Brončano smeđa boja, vrlo nježan osjećaj daje, vrlo glatko klizi. Swatchala
san ga na ruci tu, mislin da ću ovu boju koristiti za crease najviše. Triban još.

essence Cookies & Cream eyeshadow 01 SO HOT, DONUT!

Gorgeous shimmery beige gold color. Same as the 03 one. :)

Divna svjetlucava bež zlatna boja. Sve kao i za 03. :)

essence Cookies & Cream nail polish 04 MACARON, C'EST BON!

You know I love polishes, you know I obsess over essence polishes, I don't need to say more. RAVE!

Znate da volin lakove, znate da san opsjednuta essence lakovima, više ne triban reć. REJVAN!

essence Cookies & Cream blush 01 CAKEPOP, THAT'S TOP!

Ah, blushes and me. The luck I have with them is that I have no luck with them.
I was excited over the polishes, but I really, deep down inside me, wanted a blush and I thought
I'll experiment with this one I got.. I will. I don't know will I find a perfect jar to depot this and use it as
a loose blush or will I make a nail polish with the broken parts. I love the color.
Essence are you stalking me? Or we just soulmates? :D <3

Ah, rumenila i ja. Koju sriću ja iman s njima, nikakvu.
Bila san uzbuđena oko lakova, ali stvarno, duboko u sebi san tila rumenilo i tila san eksperimentirat
s ovin što san dobila... I oću. Neznan oću li naći savršenu posudicu da ga depotan pa da ga koristin ko
loose rumenilo ili da napravin lak sa slomljenin djelovima. Boja je predivna.
Essence jel me ti to stalkaš? Ili smo samo srodne duše? :D <3

essence Cookies & Cream nail polish 02 YUMMY, YUMMY! I believe? I don't know.

This baby broke RIP :'(, and kind of messed up all the other goodies.
I'm so sad it died. It's an awesome color, I've seen some swatches and I loved it.
It hurts even more now. :'( And it has some water decals on it, I don't know will I be able to use
them, they're kind of stuck with the polish. :/

Ova je bebica pukla POČIVAJ U MIRU :'(, i malo je sje*ala ostale stvarčice.
Tako san tužna jer je umro. Divna je boja, vidila san neke swatcheve i zaljubila se.
Sad još više boli. :'( Ovaj lak na sebi ima neke water decals, ali neznan oću li ih moći
koristiti, nekako su slipljene s lakon. :/

So shit happens. At first I was so pissed I couldn't even.
But, I can't. I love essence <3 and I am so grateful I won this giveaway.
I am kind of pissed, hey, essence, why are you getting me hooked on make up? LOL
I want to thank them, and I want to congratulate them on making awesome products.
I recommend this collection if you can get your paws on it, I recommend essence as
a brand for all the things they make any day, any time, all the way.

E pa sranja se događaju. Isprva san bila tako ljuta sa nisan mogla.
Ali, nemogu. Volin essence <3 i tako san zahvalna što san dobila ovo darivanje.
I jesan nekako ljuta, ej, essence, pa što me navlačiš sad i na šminku? LOL
Želim in zahvalit, i čestitat zato što rade zakon proizvode.
Preporučan ovu kolekciju, ako je morete zgrabit - zgrabite je, preporučan essence
ko marku za sve stvari koje proizvode svaki dan, svaki put, do kraja.

I hope you guys enjoyed this, I don't know will I post those swatches I promised, or a
new mani, or a DIY next, we'll see ;)
I hope you're all doing fine and that you're painting your nails! :D <3
Essence, thank you once again, be sure all the things you gave me will be cherished and
defended with my body, mind and soul, just like the essence things I had before these babies.
Seriously, you can't touch my essence. Essence brand could maybe get a pass card to look at
my collection, but that's it. No touching. I bite. LOL

Nadan se da Van se ovo svidilo, neznan oću li sljedeće postat one swatcheve što san obećala,
novu manikuru ili DIY sljedeće, vidit ćemo ;)
Nadan se da ste svi oke i da lakirate nokte! :D <3
Essence, Hvala Van još jednon, budite sigurni da će se ove stvari što ste mi dali čuvati
tilon, umon i dušon, baš ko i ostale essence stvari koje san imala prije ovih bebica.
Ozbiljno, ne dirajte mi essence. Essence marka bi možda dobila propusnicu da mi pogleda
kolekciju, ali to je to. Ne diraj. Grizen. LOL

Until next post, I love you all, bye! <3

Do sljedećeg posta, volin Vas sve, pozdrav! <3

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  1. I can image you getting excited and then… WOW! Make-up needs to be VERY, VERY, VERY well packed or that will happen! I’m surprised a company like that did not take the proper precautions, it’s a huge fault. The orders I place from South Korea come in boxes FULL of bubble wrap. If you shake the box, the items stay in place.
    It’s a shame because it’s such a cute a sweet collection. The items are so pretty. Still they are usable so have fun with it and don’t forget to show us what you’ve been doing with those lovely babies!

    1. I can't explain how sad I was when I saw the package. To be honest I wouldn't care if it was even Dior or Chanel, but why my favorite brand. But meh, I'll be okay. :) I'm thinking of doing a look with the make up I got :D You'll see my skills, the lack of them lol. I already fixed the blush and made a polish with the remains of it, so I made me a new polish, that's a plus :D Thanks hun <3


Thank you for your words n_n <3

