Diamonds in my bones - rhinestones, glitter and flowers on my nails


Hey people! / Pozdrav ljudekiiiiiiiiii!

I did my nails as soon as I came back home from work! :D
I finally tried the 'one stroke' flower, wanted to do that for the longest time.
I was inspired from my mothers flower garden in front of my house and with a song
from Bring me The Horizon 'Go to hell, for Heaven's sake'.
Dear Jesus, Sempiternal is my crack music now. I haven't listened to a whole album
in such a long time. I have not listened to a whole album since HIM's
'Screamworks: Love in Theory and Practice'...that was in 2010.

Radila sam nokte čim san se vratila kući s posla! :D
Konačno san probala 'one stroke' cvijet, željela san to radit toliko dugo.
Bila san inspirirana materinin cvijetnjakon isprid kuće i pismon
'Go to Hell, for Heaven's sake' od Bring Me The Horizon.
Blagi Bože, Sempiternal mi je sad glazbeni krek. Nisan poslušala cili album toliko dugo.
Nisan poslušala cili album od HIMovog 'Screamworks: Love in Theory and Practice'...
to je bilo u 2010.

What I used: / Koristila sam:

- EVELINE 8in1 base coat / bazni lak
- essence 138 L.O.L
- essence 179 roller coaster
- No Name 12
- EVELINE 3in1 top coat / nadlak
- white, red and yellow acrylic paint / bilu, crvenu i žutu akrilnu boju
- rhinestones / kamenčiće
- toothpicks / čačkalice
- striping brush / tanki kist
- small flat brush / mali plosnati kist

I couldn't decide for the polish, so I randomly applied these 2 essence beauties LOL. I need to sad,
I love L.O.L, but, roller coaster surprised me. It was like BAM bitch I'm beautiful and you'll love me until you dieeeeeeeeee. K, I am weird. On my ring fingers I applied 2 coats of L.O.L, followed by 1 coat
of No Name 12, which is a iridescent glitter top coat. Then I took my small flat brush, dipped 1 side
in white, and the other side in red acrylic paint. Blended them together, and slowly started drawing my
petals by pressing the brush against my nails and going up and down.
That's all I did, but if you haven't seen this before, you won't get the idea, so here are some very helpful
videos of my favorite youtube girls:
Yummy Nails - One stroke flower
LOVE4NAILS One stroke Nail Art playlist

Nisan se mogla odlučit za lak, pa san neodređeno lakirala ova 2 essenceova lipotana LOL. Moran reć,volim L.O.L, ali, roller coaster me je iznenadio. Bio je ono, BAM ****** prilip san i volit ćeš me dok
ne umreeeeeeeš. Oke, malo san čudna. Na prstenjacima sam namazala 2 sloja L.O.L, slijedi 1 sloj
bezimenog 12, koji je lak sa šljokicama u duginim bojama. Onda uzel mali plosnati kist, umočila 1
stranu u bilu, a 2 stranu u crvenu akrilnu boju. Blendala ih, i polako počela crtati cvit pritiskajući kist na nokat i vukla ga gori doli. To je sve što san radila, ali ako ovo niste vidili prije, nećete shavtiti o čemu se radi,
pa Vam evo par videova od mojih najdražih cura sa youtubea koji će Vam pomoći:
Yummy Nails - One stroke cvijet
LOVE4NAILS One Stroke Nail Art playlist

My nails at the moment. Nails are healthy and strong, buuuuut my cuticles are dry and well, fucked up.
Meh, it'll get better, I'm oiling them up whenever I can n_n.

Moji nokti sada. Nokti su zdravi i čvrsti, aaaaaaali zanoktice su mi suhe i pa, sjebane.
Meh, bit će bolje, uljim ih kad god stignem n_n.

And these are my nails! Cute right? n_n  / Iovo su moji nokti! Slatko, jel' de? n_n

My friends nails. / Prijateljičini nokti.

And that's all for this post! I hope you guys enjoyed spending time with me, and hopefully have a laugh
or 2 ;).
Thank you for your kind words and the time you spent with me.
Have a pleasant night!
Until next post, hey, what kind of music do you like? Favorite band?
Take care, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :*

I to je sve za ovaj post! Nadam se da ste uživali provođeći vrime samnon, i da ste se bar mrvicu 
nasmijali ;).
Hvala Vam na toplin ričima i na vremenu koje ste proveli samnon.
Ugodnu večer Vam želim!
Do sljedećeg posta, ej, koju glazbu Vi volite? Omiljeni bend?
Pazite se, pozdraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav! :*

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  1. ma super su ti i ovi 'kratki' nokti, ni moji dugi nisu takve duljine ;)
    dobar nail art, i krasan odabir bazne boje :D
    od glazbe naaajviše volim otvoreni radio lol

    1. Najbolji radio odman iza radio Imockog :D Pucaju me ovi zeleni lakovi, sad ocu neki maslinasti haha :D

  2. They look SOOOOOOOOOOO gorgeous!!!!! I really can't do nailart like that... or maybe I should try and practice more?
    Love the colours you used.
    It's a shame you always feel tired at work, hope it's not that bad. Good luck and I hope things get less tiring!
    Kisses and take care!

    1. Try it, it's not that hard :D I got into it, but I need to do more brush research, I just bought the cheapest ones I could find, they're amazing, but I think if you find a perfect brush you can do anything. :) It's gonna get better, the thing that tires me the most is that I need to hunt for internet LOL :)
      Thank you dear, take care too <3 <3 <3


Thank you for your words n_n <3

