
Hey guyzzzz! / Ej ljudiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

I loveeeeeee pineapples. / Voooooooooolim ananase!

Lez do dis! / Ajmo ovo napraviti!

What I used: / Koristila sam:

- plastic spoon / plastičnu žlicu
- detailing brush / kist za detalje
- toothpick / čačkalicu
- orange, brown & green acrylic paint / narančastu, smeđu i zelenu akrilnu boju

The brush I used. / Kist koji sam koristila.

Paint an oval orange shape. / Nacrtajte ovalni narančasti oblik.

Add criss cross lines with brown paint. / Dodajte iskrižane crte sa smeđom bojom.

With a toothpick add seeds in the middle of the squares. / Čačkalicom dodajte sjemenke u sredinu kvadrata.

Add the leaves using green paint and you're done! / Dodajte listove sa zelenom bojom i gotovi ste!

I hope you liked this. Stay tuned for more of these posts.
Thank you for your time. I hope you have a great day.
Until next post, byeeeeeeeee :D

Nadam se da Vam se ovo svidilo. Pratite me jer će bit još ovakih postova.
Hvala Vam na Vašem vremenu. Nadam se da ćete imati odličan dan.
Do sljedećeg posta, pozdraaaaaaav :D

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Thank you for your words n_n <3

